When I was young, memorization was a big part of every teacher’s tools for instruction. In recent years the emphasis on memorization has been drastically reduced. I think that there is a place in learning for memorization. Memorization requires focus. Memorization requires commitment and discipline. There are numerous things that require memorization. As technology has inundated society, many have become dependent on it. Calculators, computers, tablets and cell phones are permeating access to information that was not available only a few years ago. Many students depend on technology for information that students several years ago used to memorize. During my career, I witnessed as students became stressed when they forgot to bring their calculator to class or their calculator ran out of power. I have found in recent years that the students that I teach appreciate their ability to do things without the use of calculators. I make sure that they understand that although technology has its place in learning, being able to solve problems because of content they have memorized or procedures they have learned makes them better students. Students that are willing to memorize facts are more assertive. These students are more likely to be risk takers. Memorization makes them more independent. All of these characteristics are more likely to be present on students that learn how memorization can be an extra tool in the learning process. Being self-dependent is a trait that most students seek. Teachers need to stress the benefits of memorization in any content area. Parents should also stress the importance of memorization. For example, students that memorize their multiplication tables are more likely to master division more quickly than students that do not memorize their multiplication tables. Memorization provides the step stones to learning. Students that are taught the value of memorization develop self-confidence. Memorization will always have a place in learning.

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