Every academic coach needs to be diligent in promoting themselves and their team. Promotion can be focused within the school, community or state. This can be done by sharing personal and team accomplishments verbally or in written form.

Many schools feature “announcements” over an intercom during school days. Early in the school year, information pertaining to time, location, contest and coach of the contest should be included in the announcements. Information about team practices can also be posted on flyers displayed on walls within the school. In the case of Number Sense, Calculator Applications and Mathematics teams, teachers within the mathematics department can help you promote your contest. Once team members begin participating at mathematics tournaments, results can be included during announcements. Individual and team results should be shared with the student body and staff. If the school publishes a newspaper, pictures of you and your team along with a story should be included. Stories about your team can include a brief description of the contest, practice schedule, upcoming meets and results of meets where your team has participated.

The school principal and academic director should receive updates about performances at events your team attends. Keep in mind that they are usually in control of school budgets. Each coach needs to make sure that they get proper funding for their team. Funds for fees, meals, transportation, testing materials and other needed supplies need to be acquired from funds that they can provide. The more that you promote the dedication and sacrifices of your team members, the more funds you may receive. Promoting successes will play an integral part of funds received.

Coaches also need to target the community. The easiest way is by making use of a local newspaper or local newsletter. When appropriate, write a story about your team and take a photograph of team members. Set up an appointment to share the story and photograph with someone on the staff of the newspaper or newsletter. Although successes at local meets can be promoted, successes at district, regional or state level contests will be more newsworthy. If the school district has a website or newsletter you can try promoting yourself and your team using those vehicles.

Although your focus is on promoting your team, you will indirectly be promoting yourself. This is important because you might be rewarded by receiving supplemental funds or a pay raise for the coaching that you do. As you become more successful, you will be promoting yourself and your team statewide. There are various academic organizations that recognize coaches for exemplary achievements. This will have a positive impact on you and your team. The successes that my teams achieved resulted in state and national recognition. This recognition opened many doors for me. I was able to launch my company, Ram Materials. I was invited to present at numerous workshops. I also became a sought after online tutor. Promoting yourself and your team requires hard work, but seeing your students excel is the most gratifying.

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