Shortly before the beginning of a contest, I try assessing how my students are feeling. If I determine that any are feeling stressed, I try and use humor to get them to relax. In general, in the days preceding a contest, I try and prepare my students by letting them know what to expect at the beginning of and during the contest. At this time, I also try to tell them that they should focus on themselves. The more information that the student is aware of, the less likely they will be stressed prior to or during a contest. Yet, the type of contest or the level of competition can augment the stress that some students feel. During these instances, I try and share a funny story related to students that I had previously coached or share a joke that will get them to laugh. If I can’t think of something funny to say at that moment, I ask other members of the team to share something humorous.

I can still vividly recall a state meet where my team was extremely nervous. I shared the following story. “While eating breakfast before the regional meet, I told a student that I was nervous and feeling very nauseated. I informed him that I wanted to vomit. He then looked at me and told me bluntly, “Mr. Ramirez, I do not care if you feel nervous. You are not the one that is going to compete.” Everyone began laughing. Although we were the third ranked team going into the state meet, my students over achieved and they captured the state championship. I have found that humor has usually been the best way to help students relax prior to a contest. Students appreciate that you make an effort to provide an environment where they can have an enjoyable experience. Besides using humor, you need to reassure them that feeling nervous is natural. Even the top students get nervous.

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